Frequently Asked Questions

What size companies do you typically provide services for?

We typically work best with small to mid-size broadband companies. Our focus has been providing the attention a small company can give to clients that work with small company budgets

Do you help with raising debt or obtaining grants?

Aegis has successfully helped their clientele raise debt through the USDA (RUS RDApply) as well as through private banks. We have also helped our clients obtain RUS Reconnect grants. Our ability to provide both financial and technical expertise has been the one thing that has helped us stand out in our sector.

Can you provide technical, as well as regulatory support?

We have been very successful in helping clients plan, start and complete their projects with relationships we have with engineering, legal and capital firms. In addition, we have also been very successful in helping our clients obtain state funding, where available, to assist them in recovering their regulated revenue requirements. Our history of working with legal, PUD staff has been exemplar. Ask us for a list of all state causes we have participated as the consultant of record or lead witness.